-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Format: 1.6 Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 19:54:36 -0800 Source: perl-5.005 Binary: perl-5.005-thread perl-5.005-base perl-5.005 perl-5.005-suid perl-5.005-doc perl-5.005-debug Architecture: source i386 all Version: 5.005.03- Distribution: unstable Urgency: low Maintainer: Philippe Troin Description: perl-5.005 - Larry Wall's Practical Extracting and Report Language. perl-5.005-base - The Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister perl-5.005-debug - View internals of Perl and debug Perl itself. perl-5.005-doc - Man pages and pod docs for Perl perl-5.005-suid - Runs setuid Perl scripts. perl-5.005-thread - Experimental Perl binary with threading enabled Changes: perl-5.005 (5.005.03- unstable; urgency=low . * Fix for CGI's bad behavior with this: perl -w -mstrict -mCGI -e 'my $x = new CGI; print join("\n", $x->param()), "\n"; ' 'x=y;;foo=bar' Files: b9f892f161e918a6fa0fd3b1b4b001d8 696 interpreters required perl-5.005_5.005.03- bbe41d0be246bf0a72fc303c385ce9ef 95825 interpreters required perl-5.005_5.005.03- ea937040d3f11ec98ab7eb1088105465 1740682 interpreters important perl-5.005_5.005.03- 7d3f8215c9e4d7651991e2b4259c107f 457674 base required perl-5.005-base_5.005.03- 57af414b02fa451279baebc0288b78bf 261828 interpreters standard perl-5.005-suid_5.005.03- 403f5861c83ed4ead7f2a32ffe7a8aec 1601182 interpreters extra perl-5.005-debug_5.005.03- 72525838279092e1b1aee02213f3ffd1 2850328 interpreters standard perl-5.005-doc_5.005.03- 22ae22b9ad93ae30c12045f77eba26a0 1089506 interpreters extra perl-5.005-thread_5.005.03- -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org iEYEARECAAYFAjxaJZMACgkQMrxzW26vf4fl0ACfQP3DrmeEVEhP0tfmZuEC0bB5 k5QAn3+nw4mA3BbxJriz7QLBpCh32wVD =kj1U -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----